Sophia has been building the “Crown Candy” brand since 2021.

Launching the brand late 2022 with her children, she set her focus on many aspects of health, beauty and more.

Building a good “Ori” or head, she concentrated on the well being of one’s mind and body, the esteem of self love and the maintenance of one’s temple. Implementing her children into this aspect helped bring her overall goal to reality and began her journey to generational wealth AND health.

A message from the founder:

My story was all too common. I had a bad experience reflected in my health that could have easily been avoided with the proper information and resources. After this, I needed to find some type of positive out of this loss. It was then my decision to direct my energy to eliminating these types of situations with others moving forward but providing access to these natural healing remedies.

From the Earth,

for the body

Every ingredient, product and service is considered when being added to our catalog. Inner well being and outer enhancement can be found throughout your journey with us. Crown Candy concentrates on beauty, while Orion’s Waters focuses on health. Let’s begin!!

Sea Moss and Supplements

Smoothies and Herbal Teas

Detox Products

